The Bully’s Problem

Happy people don’t bully. Period. If someone is a bully, they have serious problems of their own. Chances are they are trying to make themselves feel better by hurting someone else.

As hard as it is, bullies deserve our sympathy and our help.  After all, bullies are everywhere in the world.

Some bullies are on drugs or substances that are bad for you. Even red bull energy soda can make you hyper and might cause mood swings, every thing from rage to sadness.

Some might be on medication to help them focus in school but sometimes the medication can cause mood swings as well and might cause obesity (over weight).

Bullies might have older brothers or sisters who pick on them and bullies might take it for granted that it’s a normal thing to be mean to other people. Their parents, on the other hand, might be abusive to them as well in some families.

Maybe their report card is low like they have gone from an A+ to  a D- or an F.

I have encountered bullies that are mad because of their report card being low.

Bullies might have anger problems and have trouble controlling their anger.

Bullies might be mourning the loss of their father or mother or grandmother — But people might be different in how they mourn.

If you just tell a teacher or a counsellor, they will help you.

There is an interesting movie about bullying called A Girl Like Her. It is about a girl who secretly tapes a bully bullying her. Not only that but it also goes into the bully’s story. We see what she is like when she goes home from school.

I once said that my grade 8 social teacher said that bullies are people too. They do deserve some slack. I mean we do not want to hurt them because there might be a good side under all that anger. I know because I have met some people who used to bully because of some personal issues. Sometimes it is because of attention. Some episodes of Dr. Phil says that sometimes people become bullies because they are also victims.

He showed that in a few of his episodes in May of 2011. One bully on the show said he picked on kids because he was bullied and it was all to try and make him feel better.  That episode revealed that it is not always the parents to blame.A lot of times people think that it is only because of the bully’s parents. That is not always the case down here. Sometimes or a lot of times I should say, people bully also because they might be suffering from something.

I bet you all reading this can relate. That something is the one thing that we all want to find out about. I have met some people that have bullied people because they want to feel good like I once said. But a lot of times they are hurt because they are growing up. Growing up is very hard, trust me I have been there and I am sure a lot of you reading this have been through the same thing.

Sometimes they have gone through a tragic or traumatic moment in their lives and they are scared on the inside that makes them feel the pain. In most cases I am seeing right now it can come from the pains of growing up, again growing up is hard. But there is a good side to that toughness. That good side is that you are learning new things every day. Sure it might seem all you are learning is nothing but yelling and sadness but behind all that you have learned something new in your life. These new things you may or may not have learned.

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