
Now that is when bullies attack online. Yes I know that some of us have gone through it before. I didn’t have any experience with it until I commented something on YouTube and some guy was just being rude. So what did I do? I just deleted my comment and then the stranger’s comment was erased as well. So I didn’t really have a bad experience with anything like that. However there are some people out there that have had some of the worst experiences ever in the case of cyberbullying.

Honestly speaking I think it is bad because everything that you post online can stay there forever. Sure you can take your own videos off your YouTube page but there are hackers out there that can try to put the tape back online. Plus there is that old saying. Once it is out it is out, you can’t put the toothpaste back into the tube. So be extremely careful and really think about things before you post something. Or just try not to take an embarrassing photo of you on the phone. Again with the hackers. They can do that with phones.

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