Tips To Stop Bullying

Bullying is a huge problem for millions kids world wide. Experts say at least 25% of kids have been bullied at some point in their lives, and we think the real numbers are much higher as the years go by.

Here’s our advice for stopping the bullying:

  • If you can, ignore the bully. The bully wants to get a reaction from you. In lots cases, if you ignore them, they might go away.
  • Tell the bully you feel threatened by them.  They may not even realize they are scaring you.
  • If the bully doesn’t stop when you ask them to, tell a teacher or counselor. They can help you put a stop to bullying.
  • Try to avoid being around the bully if at all possible.  By going places with your friends, instead of being alone, the bully might avoid you.  Remember, bullies are suffering from their own troubles, and they are more likely to approach you if you are alone.

Almost everyone has been bullied. If we are honest, most of us realize that at some point, we’ve been bullies, too. The challenge is to think about your actions and how they affect others. It may seem like an innocent joke or friendly teasing to you, but someone else could be hurt inside, threatened or scared by your actions. You can’t take things back what ever you say and what ever action you do, it is done. You cannot take that back at all. The truth is you can’t really stop the bullying because it is up to the bully alone to stop doing what he or she is doing. I know it can take a long time but it is worth to wait. You might have better times to do while you wait. Do not be a bully yourself. Things will get better. The biggest place for help most of all are your parents. Stop holding in all that pain and start talking to your parents. They can help you any time for you. Do not ignore them when they ask you if something is wrong. Because that is the last think you would ever want to do in the cases of bullying. I did that once and let me tell and promise you this. It did not end that well at all.

Sadly some people take all of that anger out by hurting others. Yes it is a very easy thing or way to get rid of that anger but it also hurts other people around you. Pain leads to attacks. Attacks are permanent damages that can’t take back and they can stay in your memories for the rest of your life and truly hurt your inner feelings later on as you continue to live life. Attacking people is not the best. There is a reason why schools have better systems in this day in age. The school I went to had some of the best staff you can think of. They were all very supportive and treated you like you mattered. I was also raised to care for one and other. My parents may have been separated all through out my life but they still stuck together and taught me the truth about life and all the good side of living.

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