
April 20, 1999 the day of the Columbine High School attack. When 2 boys busted into the school armed with 2 shot guns, a rifle and high capacity pistol, and various pipe bombs. They killed 13 people including a teacher. To this day schools and the world shakes with sadness from the attack. The large question everyone asks is why would a person ever do this? Answer is bullying and a lack of authority. If their parents talked to the boys before the attack, the ambush may not have happened.

Now 18 years later the memorial at the school is decorated with flowers and cards every year from family and friends. Not only that but the school building alone scarred with terrifying and frightening memories. Luckily today the school employees are more on top of bullying and weapons in their buildings.

It was the information that I learned from this disaster that gave me the idea to make this video as a shout out and tribute to school shooting victims world wide.



Now that is when bullies attack online. Yes I know that some of us have gone through it before. I didn’t have any experience with it until I commented something on YouTube and some guy was just being rude. So what did I do? I just deleted my comment and then the stranger’s comment was erased as well. So I didn’t really have a bad experience with anything like that. However there are some people out there that have had some of the worst experiences ever in the case of cyberbullying.

Honestly speaking I think it is bad because everything that you post online can stay there forever. Sure you can take your own videos off your YouTube page but there are hackers out there that can try to put the tape back online. Plus there is that old saying. Once it is out it is out, you can’t put the toothpaste back into the tube. So be extremely careful and really think about things before you post something. Or just try not to take an embarrassing photo of you on the phone. Again with the hackers. They can do that with phones.

My personal bullying experiences on video

Lately, for the past six months, I have been posting videos on YouTube about my personal bullying experiences, as well as life experiences.

Some of the videos that I posted are a perfect fit for the website and I hope that it can reach out to various other victims of bullying worldwide.


Pink Shirt Day

Shaw Cable is acting out on the anti-bully pink shirt day on February 22, 2017. Now the reason why the shirts are the colour pink is because there is a bully story behind it. The story is that there was a kid who was getting bullied because he was dressed in pink, but shortly after bullies started to hurt this kid’s feelings someone else showed up in a pink shirt and this kind fellow did that because he or she thought it was a good way to stand up for the kid. From that day on schools and various other companies have been using the colour pink for anti-bully. I think personally this is a good message to show victims of bullying that there are for sure a ton of people out there who care and will stop at nothing to help these people out. I for sure will stop at nothing to make people feel welcomed and not scared to face new things.

My high school does this every year. It was a great time because we all got to share what we went through in our own personal bully experience. There are a lot of teachers out there who would like to hear what you all have had to face. But mainly they would like to learn about what you have went through to use those stories as tips. Tips for other people world wide and have them test them out the next time someone bullies them. Bullying sure is a very tough thing but it does not last forever. These things will change as the years go by. I still have the pink shirt I got when we first started doing the annual pink shirt events. Every time I look at it I think back what  a great thing I did in a way to support these victims. As well as to show them that I am on their side and that they are not alone. No one is alone when it comes to issues such as these.

That is the biggest reason why we do these events. To show kids world wide that they are not alone at all. We as a team of people can provide special companies to help you all. I will be supporting victims every day. Posting tapes on the internet every week on my YouTube channel.


A Girl And Me

There was a girl who thought I was too weird to be a friend of her’s. She was a very talented girl in art class. I did grow jealous of the talent she had, sure I wished I had the same talent as she had but that was not the case of what happened between me and her. She and I for a few years hated each other. Yes I was a bully towards her and she was a bully towards me. There were some times when I thought he had reconciled and were going to be friends but sadly old habits got the better of me and I continued to annoy her. She and I just did not like each other.

At one point in life she did mimic me when she was hanging out with a friend of her’s who happened to be an ok friend of mine. Oh I remember getting very mad at her for doing that. I wanted to punch her in the face. But of course you know that would have turned me into a monster. So I yelled at her instead. That is what got her and I both to the office, she and I had to talk it over and try and become good classmates. But that did not do anything to change our hate. Just when you would think everything was going to be ok, everything took a turn for the bad again. She and I were still rude to each other. But most of all it was me being rude to her. My aunt thought it was because I thought she was cute or something like that. I did’t think I liked her at first. Well ok I did have a crush on her at the very beginning so I guess you can say my aunt was right about that. I don’t think the girl would have understood. Truthfully I think that she is better off not knowing. She was beautiful but she and I were both at each other’s throats.

Grade 11 was the year that I kept on getting mad. I guess you can say it was because I was expecting too much for myself. She and I were still at each other’s throats. I guess it was all revenge because she didn’t want to be my friend. How bad does that sound? Very childish I would like to say. Our anger towards each other reached a bad climax when she almost blocked me as I left the school parking lot. She, her younger sister and a friend of her’s tried to tease me as they almost blocked me. I felt threatened so I picked up a rock and told them to stay away from me. They accepted that but I needed to get my anger out. So I threw the rock and it hit the roof. It was a small rock just so you all know. That was the worst weekend of my life. I began to wonder whether life was worth it or not. Of course I chose to live and learn form that awful mistake I did. I came home, told my parents everything that happened. But that was not all that I did. One spring morning I was not taking criticism the right way and I was so enraged I ran up to her and kissed her at the back of the head. I know it sounds like I did a nice thing but I didn’t. I did a very bad thing. My mother said in some ways what I did was assault or some kind of assault. Yes I did get into bigger trouble and I regretted all bad things I did from the moment I was called down to the office. I am not a bad man, I was just a young man dealing with personal struggles I just took things the wrong way. Some days I can still take things the wrong way. 

I always think back to what the horrible choices and how I wish I could take it all back. I still get mad at myself for the things I did. Most of all I wish that I could go back in time and make everything better again. If only I had that one wish I would go to the art class where we met and be nice to her. Plus accept that she didn’t want to be a friend. I should have been nice to her from the very beginning

It was not until grade 12 when she and I started to talk to each other. All of a sudden we became good class mates. She even started to in some ways worry about me. She thought I was in trouble after all. She did kind of worry about a chip on my tooth. She thought that It was done by me on intentionally. Well that is not the case I told her. I told her that when I was young kid I used to grind my teeth when I slept. One morning I woke up with a chip in my tooth. She told me that I need to be good to myself. I think she and I got along at the end because she saw me hanging out with her younger sister. Probably it was there how she got to see what an entertaining guy I was or still am. Now that we have both graduated we are moving on with our lives.  At our graduation party I walked up to her and asked her “What was it that made us talk to each other?” She said “I don’t know.” I personally think it was because we both grew up and learned that we are going to be who we are going to be. It has now been 2 years and we have not seen each other since. I did know that she worked at a restaurant but she left to go to school. For the last year I hung out with her sister now and then even gave her a graduation card to her and a friend. We had great times hanging out with each other. Now I have not seen both her and sister since. So I moved on with my life. Just like they did. I do miss her at times.

Be Yourself

No matter what bullies tell you, always be yourself. I know you might feel ashamed that you are who you are but the good part is, being yourself gets you through multiple different obstacles through out your life. I know things might seem too long but trust me it does not last as long as you might believe it.

Yes a lot of guys made fun of me for being who I was. But I didn’t know the right way to cope with it. Or how to cope. I chose the wrong way to cope. I made up a story of my life to try and escape what these awful bullies did to me. I didn’t like who I was so I pretended to be someone who I was completely not.

At school I acted like some hard as nails guy. Honestly I regret that because that is not me at all. I am a nice man with a large heart of gold. There is not a person on this planet who hasn’t lied about their life to cope with the pain and suffering from the bullies they faced.

There was a lady on Dr. Phil and she was a compulsive liar because of a traumatic disaster that she had faced. Now that I can relate to. Why? I did the same thing. I tried to live a story I was playing in my head over and over, and frankly it drove my mother and 2 sisters crazy because they tried to help and I refused to know or hear what they had to offer. I still feel bad that I didn’t listen to what they had to say. I even tear up just thinking about it.